March is one of those months that is, plain and simple, unpredictable. The time change throws everyone off at the beginning of the month, and the weather doesn’t know what it wants to do
Sometimes I am reminded that not everyone has the same values we carry; trust and strong character are a part of a farmer’s makeup. Our handshake is as good as a signed contract, and we don’t...
It’s meeting season. This is that tiny sliver of time when winter seems to have backed off enough to not be as big of a trouble (although this winter seems to be testing that, or maybe we are just...
Referring to dairy processing as a supply chain is much too simplistic, believes Chuck Turner. Instead, the word the fluid milk bottler thinks best describes the complexity of these operations is “matrix.”
According to enrollment reports issued by USDA’s Farm Service Agency, the percentage of established production history enrolled in the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program climbed to 78.5% for 2023
Sports and the dairy industry go well together. Both require a dedicated work ethic and a commitment to something greater than yourself — for an athlete, that’s their team, and for a farmer,...
Manure application is a great option for fertilizing crop fields, especially in this era of high commercial fertilizer prices. During the Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center’s Nutrient Management...
It’s impressive to take a step back and recognize that in 2021, overseas dairy sales totaled a massive $7.75 billion — and yet, that number still climbed to $9.5 billion last year!
It was confusing figuring out which valves needed to be turned if we wanted to shut off the water to a certain part of our dairy barn. We took blank ear tags and wrote on them which part of the barn t
No case of mastitis is good, but some causes of infection are easier to control than others. Unfortunately, one particularly difficult type of mastitis is affecting a growing number of dairy herds.“
Just like a rollercoaster, milk prices have been moving up and down within very short periods. Consider that in January 2022, the All-Milk price started at $24.20 per hundredweight (cwt.)
It used to be that agriculture lobbying groups and stakeholders were hyper-focused on the movements and decisions surrounding the farm bill. While that’s still true, and 2023 will feature impo
While it would be awesome to simply feed cows the crops grown just across the fence and stored on-farm, unfortunately, this almost never comprises the entire diet. Hence, we live in a world of trucks
I had the recent opportunity to team up with a milk cooperative adviser to provide assistance to a member farm. As I finished up and returned home, I sent a short text thanking her for the support. Sh
With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr